Sandeep Singh Brar


Sikhs responded to 1984 in a multitude of amazing ways. Since his family worried–explaining to him that it was a very bad time for Sikhs –and didn’t allow this young man to go to any of the big rallies in Toronto, Sandeep Singh Brar did what he could: Scrapbook.

“I started collecting every newspaper from those days…I went to every library…when they threw out their back issues, I would get them and I would scour them.” He kept his scrapbook for years, “thinking, ‘one day, this will be important.’” 20 yeas later, he launched, an amazing go-to resource for so many.

Thirty years ago, this tenacious community archivist was born. “Sikh history shows that we have always responded to traumatic events by moving upwards and onwards!”