Explore the Archive

Is there a particular theme you want to search for in the 1984 Living History Project video archive? Testimonies of ‘gendered violence’ in ‘New Delhi’, ‘alienation’ in ‘Toronto’, ‘attack on gurdwaras’ in Ludhiana…? Explore in by selecting a place and as many categories as you’d like below.

  •  Use “All Categories” to view testimonies from all places, or select a Location from the dropdown list to explore geographically filtered stories
  • Select one tag or multiple tags. Leave tags blank to search by location only.
  • To select a language, choose “Punjabi” and/or “English” under Tags
  • Locations

  • Tags

Tip: If there are no results, try selecting fewer tags at a time. The engine searches for videos that contain all tags checked off, so if you check “Attack on Sikh Identity” and “Role of Media”, each videos that come up contains both of those themes, not just one or the other.